Event Preview
Personal Tutoring: Boundary-setting and signposting
Teaching and Learning Academy |
Academic Practice Development
Wednesday 07 May 2025
11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Personal Tutoring has a significant role to play in guiding students’ academic achievement and engagement with opportunities for further development and support, where needed. In undertaking that role, it is likely that Personal Tutors will become aware of difficulties students are encountering which are impacting on their studies – these may be academic-related or related to typical life issues. An effective and trusting relationship will be based on a shared understanding of the role and its boundaries.
This session will cover how to establish appropriate boundaries and manage students’ expectations. It will also cover how and when to signpost students to other specialist services for more specialist guidance.
Led by staff from Organisational Development and Student Advice and Wellbeing this session will be delivered online.
You may now book onto this event, registration closes at 8:00 AM, 07/05/2025.